1 min read

Remember This?

On 12 November 2022, the post "Hate Mail #1" was published, as Mercury had been submitting threats to the Victims of Malice site. We would like to remind everyone of Message #1 in particular, which was received on 10 November 2022, at 12:16pm.

Message #1 reads:

“To those who’re enabling Miss Vickreman in publishing these online falsehoods for smearing Alice’s reputation, you have one chance to take it back and live in peace.
Shut down your website and associated social media accounts by midnight on 10 November 2022, Thursday, and don’t put screenshots of anything from any of the offending platforms anywhere else either.
If you choose not to accept our offer of amnesty, we will use our solicitor and our other supporters, including State actors, to ensure that all of you serve prison time.”

We would like to draw attention to the last line of Mercury's threat, where she states that if the Victims of Malice site is not taken down, "[Mercury] will use [her] solicitor and [her] other supporters, including State actors, to ensure that all of [the victims and/or owners/operators of the site] serve prison time".

Indeed: Look at where we are now.

Screenshot of a form submission message, i.e. Message #1